Complementary Book Content
19th Century pox: References
During the 19th century, London grew enormously to become a global city of immense importance. It was the largest city in the world from about 1825, the world’s largest port,…
High five to 5G ? – Figure 7
Inverse square law: Inverse-square law - Wikipedia
High Five to 5G ? – References
1 Abraham Lincoln: 2 EHS: 3 4...
The China Syndrome – References
1 2 3 4...
Introduction – References
1 coronavirus-posts-leading-to-charges-of-censorship/#1b8412385962 2...
German Evaluation – References
1 Beate Bahner:
Hotel California – References
1 One of the earliest, important Covid-19 whistleblower videos up until today! Dr. Dan Erickson & Dr. Artin Massihi...
Wisconsin, The first rebel – References
1 2
1 Lubeck disaster:
Pandemic proclamations of the past – References
1 Hong Kong flu: 2 Frank Plummer: 3 Dutch scientists 4 Mexican (swine) flu:...
From the roaring teens to the boring twenties
1 Flexner report: Medical education in the United States and Canada (1910) by Abraham Flexner 2 The truth about cancer (2016) Ty M. Bollinger, Hay House Inc, USA.
Coronazi Germ-many – References
1 Louis Pasteur 2 Antoine Béchamp 3 Claude Bernard
Enlightenment and erratic doctors
1 Sir Richard Hawkins 2 ’Treatise of the Scurvy’ (1753) by James Lind 3 Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis: studies of death in childbirth...
Hippocrates Wisdom – References
1 Hippocrates
Wisconsin, The first rebel in the USA : Figure 2 & 3
The China Syndrome : Figure 5 & 6
Virus Mutations : Figure 1
CHAPTER 5. Opportunity leads to conspiracy .
Since there are a lot of different CT’s from very different sources; it’s obvious they can’t all be true, and it’s difficult to discriminate right from wrong since the so called “Fact-Checkers” from the Main Stream Media are in fact dictated what news facts to accept...
CHAPTER 4. Where Sweden borders Wisconsin.
Prof. Dr. Johan Giesecke shares some more of his insights: Johan Giesecke - Wikipedia Sweden showed the world intellectual self-confidence. Instead of eagerly going into a state of emergency, they did not stop flights or close borders, and they kept normal city life....
CHAPTER 4. Isolation and Quarantine vs. Herd Immunity.
mRNA vaccine technology As soon as the severity of the lockdown, quarantine and asocial distancing corona-measures were deployed, a lot of pharmaceutical industries as well as research groups of all kind (private and governmental) started to investigate the...
CHAPTER 4. Hotel California.
MD Dan Erickson and MD Artin Massihihad had a clear view after only one month residing in Lockdowningstreet, as they spoke facts and figures in their 27 April Youtube video: ‘We keep hearing ‘following the science ‘, what is science essentially? It is the study of the...
AKA PART 1 – CHAPTER 1: Roses are brown.
Further story of George Wittenstein: Organized resistance was practically impossible. One could not speak openly, even with close friends, never knowing whether they might not be Nazi spies or collaborators. So well organized was the control and surveillance by the...
CHAPTER 1 Coronazi Germ-many
CHAPTER 1 Coronazi Germ-many Coronazi Germ many quotes Claude Bernard had some rather fantastic insights, wow, here are some quotes from him: The terrain is everything, the germ is nothing. A discovery is generally an unforeseen relation not included in theory True...
AirCorona PART 1:
Complementary Book Content
Chapter 1: Health in a Historic perspective
- Roses are brown
- Hippocrates Wisdom
- Enlightenment and Erratic doctors
- Coronazi Germ-many
- 19th Century Pox
- From the roaring Twenties to the boring Thirties
- Pandemic Proclamations from the past
Chapter 2: The Corona Virus
- Definitions and life cycle of a virus
- Virus mutations
- COVID19 what’s in a name?
- Coronavirus vs. The flue
- Corona symptoms
Chapter 3 : Corona in Pandemic mode
- How did it all start?
- Infection rates
- Corona testing and counting
- Corona and aging
- Corona vs. other demographic parameters
Chapter 4 : Corona strategies
- Isolation & Quarantine vs. Herd Immunity
- What went wrong? What should have been done?
- Corona consequences on the short and on the long term
- Wisconsin, the first rebel in the USA
- Where Sweden borders Wisconsin. A lesson in self-awareness.
- Japandemic
- Hotel California
- German Evaluation
- Just one example of failed policy
- Effects of a Lockdown. ‘Wir haben es nicht gewusst’.
Chapter 5 : Conspiracy Theories (CT)
We don’t want to minimize the grieve and we truly condole the people that have lost their beloved ones from corona, especially to those that have departed but could have been saved.
This book is born out of empathy with the suffering of many millions, needless suffering, only there because they believed an authority to bring truth. Which authorities mostly don’t deliver!
Are we specialists? Yes, in learning important insights by compiling, by putting things together and trying to reconstruct the puzzle, the whole picture. The insights delivered here are the product of hundreds of books and experiences, personal and as experienced and witnessed by others. Are we specialists? No, not specialist in a certain domain, we leave that to the ones that write splendid books about the subject they know so well, our job is to present you with an overview.